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La Roche College / Nursing Program (ADN,
BSN, RN to BSN, MSN):"Department of Nursing Announces New Nursing
Program: The College's Department of Nursing
is now offering an Associate of Science in
Nursing program (ASN). This two-year program
is designed to provide a pathway for entry
into registered nursing practice. The beauty
of this program is that it allows the graduate
to work as a nurse and continue in the BSN
completion program at an accelerated pace.
The ASN program will add another dimension
to the already highly regarded nursing program
offered by the college." ******************************************************
La Salle University / School of Nursing (BSN,
MSN):"Since the 90's, there has been an emerging
revolution in health care. Our nation is
continually demanding more economical health
care that requires technically skilled and
compassionate nurse practice. We recognize
these changes and formed our nursing curriculum
to meet the challenging leadership roles
required in clinical practice." ******************************************************
Labette Community College / Bi-Level Nursing
Program (LPN, ADN):"LCC offers 2 types of programs for people
wanting to enter the field of nursing: PN
and ADN. After completion of the first year
of the curriculum, graduates are eligible
to take the NCLEX-PN to become Licensed Practical
Nurses. Upon completion of the second year
of the program, graduates will receive the
Associate in Applied Science degree and can
take the NCLEX-RN to be Registered Nurses."
Laboure College / Division of Nursing (ASN):"The associate in science in nursing (ASN)
degree provides a broad academic background.
Along with nursing, courses in the sciences
and humanities are included in the curriculum.
Clinical experiences are planned in a variety
of health care settings to achieve the educational
outcomes of the curriculum. Nursing education
at our college utilizes a variety of teaching
modalities. Classroom lectures, computer
assisted instruction, nursing simulation
laboratory sessions and selected clinical
experiences help prepare graduates to meet
the challenges of today's health care environment."
LaGrange College / Division of Nursing:"The Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
curriculum consists of two plans of study.
The basic program prepares graduates for
entry into professional nursing practice
and confers eligibility for initial licensure
as a registered professional nurse (RN).
A degree-completion option is designed for
licensed RNs who wish to earn the BSN degree."
LaGuardia Community College - CUNY / Nursing
Program (ADN):"The Faculty of LaGuardia Community College
Nursing Program encourage both men and women
to seriously consider choosing nursing as
their career of choice." *****************************************************
Lake Area Vocational Technical Institute
(LPN, ADN):"Lake Area Technical Institute and the University
of South Dakota have cooperated to offer
a 1 + 1 Nursing program. This program offers
a choice of becoming a Licensed Practical
Nurse (LPN) and/or a Registered Nurse (RN).
During the first year, the student acquires
the skills to be a practical nurse. The student
may choose to exit the program after eleven
months or apply for admission to the USD
Associate Degree Nursing program for the
second year." ******************************************************
Lake City Community College / Allied Health/Nursing:"The Associate Degree in Nursing Program
at Lake City Community College was established
in 1964. The National League for Nursing
Accrediting Commission program is highly
ranked in excellence as evidenced by a state
board passing rate of 90% for the past five
years. The graduates are widely recruited
and consistently demonstrate a strong clinical
competence. Many of the area hospitals are
predominately staffed by these graduates.
The experienced nursing faculty is well prepared
both academically and clinically. Students
receive individual guidance in the simulated
lab of the new Medical Technology Building
along with small group supervision in clinical
Lake Land College / Division of Allied Health:"The Associate Degree in Nursing program
is an intensive two-year academic program
which includes classroom, skills laboratory
and clinical experience in various healthcare
agencies. The student is awarded an associate
in applied science degree upon completion
of the program and may apply to write the
National Council Licensure Examination for
Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN). Upon successful
completion of the NCLEX-RN, the graduate
may apply for Illinois RN licensure."
Lake Michigan College /Nursing Programs (LPN,
ADN):"The nursing programs at Lake Michigan College
are offered in a partial ladder format. Students
enrolled in the two-year Associate Degree
Nursing (RN) program or the one-year Practical
Nursing (LPN) program share the same first
two semesters. The difference in their programs
is general education requirements."
Lake Superior State University / Department
Nursing (BSN):"The Department of Nursing offers two curricular
tracks to the bachelor of science degree
in nursing; the four-year, pre-licensure
program and the two-year, completion program
for the registered nurse. This nursing program
is approved by the Michigan Board of nursing
and is accredited by the National League
for Nursing Accrediting Commission..."
Lakeland Community College / Nursing Department
(ADN):"The mission of the Department of Nursing
is to educate, enrich and empower nursing
students to assume the caring roles and responsibilities
of a registered nurse. The faculty identifies
the art of caring as the essence of nursing
practice. This caring philosophy of nursing
is based on the Greek concept of Caritas
implying a commitment to ideals outside of
oneself. True caring is manifested by attainment
of qualities of competence, professionalism,
altruism and growth. These goals represent
the values of the faculty and are set forth
for each student to achieve as an ongoing
progressive process and serve as the characteristics
of the graduate."
Lakeview College of Nursing (BSN Options):"Welcome to Lakeview College of Nursing!
You are joining a campus full of talented
and professional people who make important
contributions everyday for the growth and
development of the College. The commitment
and dedication toward work and the students
are evident here. All of us together are
building a dynamic center of educational
Lamar Community College:"Associate Degree in Nursing program
allows for the student to exit and test for
the NCLEX-RN (National Council Licensure
Examination-Registered Nurse)."
Lamar University / Department of Nursing
(ADN, BSN, MSN):"The mission of the Lamar University Department
of Nursing is to educate undergraduate and
graduate students to become qualified, competent,
professional nurses who are prepared for
practice. The Department provides quality
nursing education relevant to a changing
profession, society, and healthcare environment.
Collaboration between faculty and students
promotes excellence in health care delivery
to diverse populations. A spirit of caring,
continual inquiry, creativity and integrity
is promoted through teaching, scholarship,
leadership and service."
Lancaster General Hospital / College of Nursing
(ADN):"The Lancaster Institute for Health Education
School of Nursing offers a two year program
of study, designed to provide the student
with the principles and skills necessary
to assume a beginning professional nurse
position in hospitals and related institutions.
Established in 1903, the School of Nursing
has graduated over 3000 professional nurses.
Today over 180 students study with a competent
faculty who is expert in their specialty
area. The major clinical facility, Lancaster
General Hospital, enriches the learning environment
for students, providing hands-on learning
in real-life settings. Lancaster General
is one of the five busiest hospitals in Pennsylvania
with the capability of providing highly technical
and specialized care to the most severely
injured and seriously ill patients." ******************************************************
Lander University / School of Nursing (BSN,
RN to BSN):"The Department of Nursing was established
in 1957 as the first nursing program in South
Carolina to offer an associate degree. After
graduating 632 nurses, the ADN program was
replaced in the mid eighties with a Bachelor
of Science degree program which has currently
graduated 499 nurses." ******************************************************
Lane Community College / Nursing Program
(ADN, LPN to RN):"To prepare the graduate to be qualified to
practice as an associate degree registered
nurse, and to be eligible to take the National
Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX)-RN.
A certificate of completion of the PN curriculum
is available to students who choose to write
the (NCLEX-PN) at the completion of the first
year program requirements and practice as
licensed practical nurses." Lansing Community College / Career Ladder Nursing Program (PN, ADN):"The Career Ladder Nursing Program is comprised of the Practical Nursing (PN) Program (Curiculum Code 0235) and the Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) Program." Lansing Community College 422 North Washington Square Lansing, MI 48933 Phone: (517) 483-1410 or Fax: (517) 483-1508 E-mail: mclark@lcc.edu http://www.lcc.edu/nursing/nursing/ ******************************************************
Laramie County Community College - Nursing/Health, Ag & Science Division:"Welcome to the Laramie County Community College Nursing Division. We invite you to look at what we have to offer you in pursuing a career in nursing." *****************************************************
Laredo Community College / Department of
Nursing (ADN):"The Associate Degree Nursing Program at Laredo
Community College is a two-year program leading
to an Associate in Applied Science degree.
This program is accredited by the National
League for Nursing Accrediting Commission
(NLNAC) and by the Board of Nurse Examiners
for the State of Texas. Upon completion of
the program, graduates are eligible to take
the National Council Licensure Examination
for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN)."
Lawrence County Vocational Technical School
/ Practical Nursing Program (LPN):"Come see what all the excitement is about
...at the Premiere School of Practical Nursing
in Western Pennsylvania." ******************************************************
Lawrence Memorial / Regis College Nursing
(ASN):"For more than 75 years the Lawrence Memorial
Hospital (LMH) School of Nursing provided
hospital-based diploma nursing education.
More than 1,800 LMH graduates have joined
the profession as registered nurses. These
well-educated individuals typify the ideals
of LMH graduates - caring, compassionate,
committed and competent. These nurses, working
in varied settings nationwide, continue to
contribute their knowledge and skills to
patients, colleagues and their profession.
In 1998 the School of Nursing collaborated
with Regis College to provide an associate
degree program in nursing. Regis College
was founded in 1927 and is accredited by
the New England Association of Schools and
Colleges. The professional associate of science
nursing degree program is approved by the
Board of Registration in Nursing of the Commonwealth
of Massachusetts and accredited by the National
League for Nursing Accrediting Commission."
Lee College / Allied Health Division (ADN):"The purpose of the Associate Degree Nursing Tech Prep program is to prepare students with beginning competencies to practice as registered nurses upon successful writing of the National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses. The program is accredited by the Board of Nurse Examiners for the state of Texas and the National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission. Information regarding the program can be obtained from the NLNAC at 61 Broadway, New York, New York 10006, (212) 363-5555 extension 153." Lee College P.O. Box 818 Baytown, Texas 77522-0818 Phone: (281) 425-6393 E-mail: admissions@lee.edu http://www.lee.edu/degreeCertsdescr.asp?degreecert=rnsg_aas_np_t ******************************************************
Lehigh Carbon Community College / Nursing
Program (LPN, ADN):"The associate degree nursing program prepares
graduates to deliver quality care to promote,
and/or maintain and restore health and well
being. Emphasis of this program will be educating
persons to perform holistic nursing health
care in hospitals and other health agencies.
In addition to classroom instruction, students
will receive clinical instruction. Persons
who earn an Associate in Applied Science
degree in Nursing are eligible to sit for
the National Council Licensing Examination
(NCLEX-RN). Success on this examination qualifies
nurses to practice as a registered/licensed
nurse." ******************************************************
Leman College School of Nursing:"The Department of Nursing offers graduate programs in Advanced Nursing,
Parent-Child Nursing, Adult Health Nursing, Nursing of Older Adults and Pediatric
Nurse Practitioner." *****************************************************
Lenape School of Practical Nursing (LPN):"Lenape School of Practical Nursing offers
two programs to enable successful students
to pursue careers in the field of nursing.
Full time, twelve month programs are offered
twice a year for students who wish to complete
their education in one year. A part-time
evening/weekend program is also available
which allows students to complete their education
in two years (24 months) while working at
a full or part time job. This brochure describes
the school, curriculum and important facets
of the practical nursing education program." ******************************************************
Lenoir-Rhyne College / Department of Nursing
(BSN):"The Division of Nursing was established in
partnership with Grace Hospital in nearby
Morganton, N.C. The Grace Hospital Diploma
Program was founded in 1910, and at its closing
in 1963 had graduated 356 nurses. The Lenoir-Rhyne
Grace Hospital School of Nursing began in
1960 and graduated its first class of nine
students in 1964. To date 945 students have
graduated from the Lenoir-Rhyne Department
of Nursing, receiving a Bachelor of Science
degree with a major in nursing.The Program
was accredited by the National League of
Nursing in April, 1969, and since that time
has maintained continuous accreditation status.
The Lenoir-Rhyne program was the fourth in
the state of North Carolina to gain accreditation
and the first fully accredited church-related
Lewis and Clark Community College / Allied
Health:"Lewis and Clark’s Associate Degree
Nursing (ADN) program prepares you to give
safe, effective nursing care. You’ll work
as team members under the supervision of
nurses with extensive professional backgrounds,
and you’ll have the potential for advancement
and a leadership role in the nursing field."
Lewis-Clark State College / Division of Nursing:"The Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree
at Lewis-Clark State College is an exciting
and challenging program built on professional
nurse caring. Established in 1979, the program
is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate
Nursing Education (CCNE) and approved by
the Idaho State Board of Nursing. We offer
tracks for basic nursing students (BSN),
for registered nurses (RN-BSN) and for practical
nursing students (LPN-BSN) culminating in
a Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree and
preparation for professional nursing practice,
new career opportunities, and enrollment
in graduate school."
Lewis University / College of Nursing and
Health Professions:"The College of Nursing and Health Professions
offers a baccalaureate program accredited
by the American Association of Colleges of
Nursing's Commission on Collegiate Nursing
(CCNE). The College is recognized as the
only Partnership in Nursing Education (PNE)
program in the State of Illinois by the Local
Army ROTC partnership with Wheaton College.
Upon successful completion of the nursing
curriculum, the graduate is awarded the Bachelor
of Science in Nursing (BSN) and is eligible
to apply to write the national examination
for licensure as a Registered Professional
Lexington Community College / Nursing Program
(ADN):"The Associate Degree Nursing Program prepares
program graduates to write the National Council
Licensure Examination to become registered
nurses. The program curriculum combines
general education and nursing education and
is accredited by the National League for
Nursing Accrediting Commission and is approved
by the Kentucky Board of Nursing."
Liberty University / Graduate School of Nursing
(MSN):"Liberty University's Master of Science in
Nursing program is designed to prepare competent
women and men to provide expert clinical
care and related health care services and
programs to individuals, families, and people
groups across the lifespan in a variety of
acute care and community settings from the
perspective of a Christian worldview. Graduates
will be prepared to practice as clinical
nurse specialists with the critical thinking
skills and knowledge needed to promote the
profession of nursing through clinical practice,
teaching, research, program development and
implementation, and scholarship and embrace
their vocation as a calling through which
they fulfill the will of God." ******************************************************
Lincoln Memorial University / Department
of Nursing & Allied Health (ASN, BSN,
RN to BSN):"Responding to the needs of nursing education
and health care of the people of the region,
Lincoln Memorial University established the
Associate of Science in Nursing (ASN) degree
program in 1974. As a reflection of the changing
local health care need and national trends
in nursing, Lincoln Memorial University instituted
the RN to Bachelor of Science in Nursing
(BSN) program in 1987. Both programs are
founded on the belief that nursing is a service
which aims to assist individuals to attain,
maintain, or regain optimum level wellness
through application of the nursing process.
The ASN program is approved by both the Kentucky
and Tennessee Boards of Nursing; the RN-BSN
program is approved by the Tennessee Board
of Nursing. Both programs are accredited
by the National League for Nursing Accrediting
Commission." *****************************************************
Linn-Benton Community College / Nursing Program
(ADN):"The associate degree Nursing program is approved
by the Oregon State Board of Nursing and
accredited by the National League for Nursing
Accrediting Commission. Open to both men
and women, this two-year program is designed
to train highly skilled nurses. Clinical
facilities are hospitals, nursing homes and
health agencies in Linn and Benton counties."
Lincoln Land Community College Nursing Program (LPN, ADN):"Combining classroom experience with clinical experience in community health facilities, this degree program is designed for persons interested in becoming registered nurses. Students who complete the program are eligible to write the examination of the State Board for registration in Illinois as a Registered Nurse." Lincoln Land Community College 5250 Sheperd Road PO Box 19256 Springfield, IL 62794-9256 (217) 786-2200 or 1-800-727-4161 E-mail: Dana.Grove@llcc.edu http://www.llcc.edu/Default.aspx?alias=www.llcc.edu/nurs *****************************************************
Lincoln University of Missouri / Nursing
Program (LPN to RN, AAS, BSN):"Lincoln University's Department of Nursing
Science was established in 1970. Currently
the department offers an Associate of Applied
Science (AAS) in Nursing which is approved
by the Missouri State Board of Nursing and
accredited by the National League for Nursing
Accrediting Commission (NLNAC). Licensed
practical nurses (LPNs) may be eligible for
advanced standing in the AAS in Nursing.Finally,
the Department of Nursing Science has established
a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) completion
program to meet the needs of practicing registered
nurses (RNs). These options allow Lincoln
University to provide educational mobility
opportunities for nurses."
Linfield College / Linfield-Good Samaritan
School of Nursing (BSN, RN to BSN):"We welcome transfer students pursuing a first
degree as well as students with prior bachelors
or associate degrees seeking a career change.
We are developing resources to serve a diverse
student population and welcome the challenge
to prepare graduates for a diverse workforce
in nursing. We have an excellent nursing
program that is fully accredited by the Commission
on Collegiate Nursing Education and the Oregon
State Board of Nursing. The nursing faculty
is both academically and experientially prepared
as well as committed to facilitate your success
in our nursing program." Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania / Nursing Department (ADN):"Based on a strong, clinically oriented curriculum, students rotate through quality health care facilities - all within a reasonable driving distance from the campus. Working directly with patients, nurses, physicians and other health care professionals, students receive hands-on experience in specialty areas such as obstetrics, pediatrics and medical/surgical units. Completion of the two-year program prepares students to take the national licensure for registered nurses. Students can continue their nursing education through a collaborative agreement with Clarion University of Pennsylvania, which allows students to take bachelor's degree courses at the Clearfield Campus." Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania 401 N. Fairview St. Lock Haven, PA 17745 Phone: (570) 893-2011 or (800) 332-8900 E-mail: admissions@lhup.edu http://www.lhup.edu/academic/acad_affairs/nursingreq.htm ******************************************************
Loma Linda University / School of Nursing
(BSN, MSN, NP):"The School of Nursing, established in 1905,
was the first in a group of schools which
in 1961 became Loma Linda University. In
1949 the School of Nursing became a college-based
program granting the baccalaureate degree.
In 1970 the associate in science degree program
was started as an integral part of the School.The
first master's degrees in nursing were granted
in 1957. The School, committed to Christian
service and distinctive Seventh-day Adventist
ideals, seeks to reflect God's love through
its teaching and healing ministry." Long Beach City College / Nursing Programs:The Associate Degree Nursing (ADN) at Long Beach City College seeks students who are interested in helping others who are physically and emotionally capable of meeting the challenge of this exciting career. Long Beach City College 4901 East Carson Street Long Beach, CA 90808 562) 938-4166 E-mail: rmiyashiro@lbcc.cc.ca.us http://nursing.lbcc.cc.ca.us/programoptions.html *****************************************************
Long Island University / Department of Nursing
(BSN, MSN):"Our School of Health Professions and Nursing
offers a wide range of undergraduate and
graduate degree programs in medical biology,
nursing, nutrition, forensic science, health
information management and radiologic technology.
Our students benefit from intense classroom
studies, and didactic, laboratory and clinical
experiences. The many internship opportunities
provide the real-life experiences that are
so crucial to practicing in today's work
environment." ******************************************************
Lorain County Community College / Nursing
Program (ADN):"Lorain County Community College (Elyria,
Ohio) and Bowling Green State University
Firelands College (Huron, Ohio) join in a
partnership that brings an associate's degree
(RN) Nursing Program to residents of Erie,
Ottawa, Huron and Sandusky counties. Although
offered jointly, all nursing courses are
held at BGSU FC and the clinical component
of the program is completed at health care
facilities in Bellevue, Huron, Norwalk or
Sandusky. It's a program that may be completed
in as little time as two years, if taken
on a full-time basis, and it couldn't be
more convenient for residents of Erie, Ottawa,
Huron and Sandusky counties."
Los Angeles Harbor College:The Program is the basic curriculum for
registered nursing. It satisfies the requirements
for the Associate of Science degree with
a major in Nursing and enables the graduate
to take the State Board of Registered Nursing
Examination (NCLEX-RN) to obtain licensure
as a Registered Nurse.
Los Angeles Pierce College / Nursing Program:(Associate in Arts Degree) Associate Degree
programs DO NOT necessarily constitute the
first two years of a program leading to a
bachelor's degree.Los Angeles Pierce College
offers an Associate in Arts Degree Nursing
Program accredited by the California Board
of Registered Nursing and the National League
for Nursing Accrediting Commission. The graduate
is prepared to function as an entry-level
nurse. Upon completion of the prescribed
curriculum, the graduate is qualified to
apply for licensure as a registered nurse
in the State of California
Los Angeles Trade - Technical College / Nursing
Program:The Registered Nursing Program at Los Angeles
Trade-Technical College started in 1970 as
a result of community interest and the desire
expressed by many Licensed Vocational Nurses
to continue their nursing education toward
Registered Nurse status. As a result the
LVN to RN option was initiated. In 1986 the
generic option was added to the program and
the first non-licensed candidates were admitted
to the program, thereby, allowing program
admission by both licensed and non-licensed
candidates. Candidates who are graduates
of an accredited Vocational Nursing Program
and currently licensed as an LVN in California
will be placed in the third semester of the
Registered Nursing Program once a comprehensive
test in basic Medical-Surgical Nursing at
75% or more.
Louisiana College - Rife & Carolyn Saunders
Division of Nursing (BSN):"Louisiana College's Division of Nursing emphasizes
the preparation of nurses as leaders prepared
to serve mankind through various professional
approaches and to serve God through examined
Louisiana State University - Alexandria -
Division of Nursing (ADN):"The Department of Nursing offers courses
that lead to the Associate in Nursing degree
(ADN). The ADN program is fully approved
by the Louisiana State Board of Nursing and
accredited by the National League for Nursing
Accrediting Commission. Admission to the
program is competitive, and applicants must
follow the specific application procedures
described in the Catalog and the Nursing
Student Handbook. Individuals who hold the
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) credential
are encouraged to apply for the accelerated
LPN-to-ADN program track (ALT)."
Louisiana State University - Eunice / Division
of Nursing (ASN):"Graduates of the associate of science degree
program in nursing are eligible to write
the licensing examination for registered
nurses administered by the Louisiana State
Board of Nursing. As registered nurses, they
are employed by hospitals, extended care
facilities, and other health care institutions."
Louisiana State University Health Sciences
Center / School of Nursing (BSN, MSN, PhD):"Welcome to the Louisiana State University
Health Sciences Center School of Nursing.
The School offers degree programs in three
levels of Nursing education: Bachelor of
Science in Nursing; Master of Nursing; and
Doctor of Nursing Science. The Office of
Nursing Research and Evaluation facilitates
and promotes the development of nursing research
programs and scholarly activities within
the School of Nursing as well as promotes
continuous quality improvement within the
School of Nursing."
Louisiana Tech University / Division of Nursing (ADN):"The Division of Nursing offers two tracks
of study for the preparation of beginning
practitioners of nursing. The on-campus program
is a seven quarter curriculum offered to
students upon acceptance into the nursing
program. The accelerated (extension) program
provides an opportunity for licensed practical
nurses with one year of clinical experience
to pursue the Associate of Science Degree
in Nursing through advanced placement in
the program."
Lourdes College / Department of Nursing (BSN):"The purpose of the Lourdes College Bachelor
of Science in Nursing Program is to prepare
professional nursing practitioners in a Christian
environment to function as generalists in
a variety of settings. Through their community
leadership, the quality of society's health
care will be improved. The curriculum provides
a general education with a foundation for
lifelong learning and graduate education
in nursing."
Loyola University New Orleans - City College
/ Department of Nursing (BSN, MSN):"The primary mission of the Baccalaureate
of Science in Nursing Program of Loyola University
is to prepare nurse generalists who possess
professional competencies to provide and
coordinate client care in a variety of settings.
The curriculum is designed to achieve this
end. Through upper division nursing studies,
the curriculum offers the opportunity for
high quality professional nursing education
within the multidisciplinary context of a
Jesuit university education. The mission
of the MSN program is to prepare nurses to
function in advanced roles in a variety of
health care settings. The MSN program seeks
to develop critical thinking and ethical-decision
making skills as primary skills needed by
all nurses in advanced roles."
Lubbock Christian University / Department
of Nursing (RN to BSN):"The RN to BSN Nursing Program was established
in 1991 and has experienced continuous growth.
The faculty is dedicated to excellence in
nursing, nursing education and the improvement
of health care through individual, family
and community care. The Bachelor of Science
in Nursing degree at Lubbock Christian University
is for graduates of Associate Degree and
Diploma nursing programs. The curriculum
is designed to enable the employed nurse
to complete the BSN degree while continuing
Luther College / Department of Nursing (BSN):"Designed by the first graduating class in
1978, the nursing pin reflects the philosophy
of Luther College. The cross of Christ standing
on the rock of faith is in the center. The
Luther motto, Soli Deo Gloria ("to God
alone the glory"), circles the cross.
The design of a ruby with an encrusted letter
"L" is identical to that of the
Luther College ring. In addition, the lamp
of light, symbolic of the nursing profession,
is encrusted in gold upon the stone."
Luther College
Lutheran School of Nursing / St. Alexius
Hospital (LPN to RN):"Lutheran School of Nursing is a hospital
based diploma nursing program located in
south St. Louis on the St. Alexius Hospital
campus. It offers a Registered Nurse program
and both a full-time and part-time Licensed
Practical Nurse - Registered Nurse (LPN-RN)
Bridge program. The School of Nursing consists
of the Educational Building which provides
classrooms, conference areas, a modern health
science library and instructional laboratories.
In addition, student housing, financial aid,
counseling services and leadership opportunities
in various organizations are available."
Luzerne County Community College / Department
of Nursing (ADN):"The Nursing curriculum is designed to prepare
competent associate degree nurses who are
eligible to meet licensing requirements for
registered nurses and are able to function
effectively, under supervision, in beginning
nursing positions in hospitals, homes, clinics,
physician's offices, or other agencies established
to meet the health needs of individuals.
The nursing program is approved by the Pennsylvania
State Board of Nursing and is accredited
by the National League for Nursing Accrediting
Commission, 350 Hudson St., New York City,
NY 10014." ******************************************************
Lynchburg College / Human Performance Nursing
Program (BSN):"Baccalaureate education at Lynchburg College
is based upon an integration of liberal arts
and sciences, nursing knowledge, and clinical
practice which prepares the professional
nurse to practice from a caring, holistic,
and scientific foundation and to adhere to
the American Nurses' Association Standards
of Practice. The program prepares professional
nurses to maximize the quality of nursing
care through the application of theory and
research to practice, and to function in
a variety of roles." ******************************************************
Welcome to NursingA2Z.com. This website is owned, operated by Andrew & Melanie Lopez (RNs). It is our intent for this Alphabetical, A to Z index to be a comprehensive listing (In Progress) of Nursing-related resources on the Internet. It is indexed by Google and fully searchable. We'd ask that if you don't find what you are looking for, kindly contact us! If you are looking for a certain topic, it's likely you are not the only one. We will be adding to this index daily, be sure check back frequently. If your website is not listed here, we encourage you to submit it: Add Your Website/URL, please note, you do not have to install the nursingtop10.com linking code, to be listed.
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4nursing.com:"In this Nursing Portal you'll find information on Nursing Jobs, Nursing Schools, Nurse Degrees, CNAs, LPNs, RNs, Travel Nursing, Prescriptions Drugs, Medications, Nursing Associations and much more." ******************************************************
InspirationalNursing.com:"InspirationalNursing.com. Touching Poems, and Inspiring stories that touch the heart and occasionally bring a tear to your eye. Affection, Ambition, Angels In Our Lives, Animals, Babies, Bereavement, Caring, Caring, Children, Christian Stories, Christmas, Computers & The Internet, Death, Dependability, Determination, Dying, Easter, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), End of Life, Etc., Friendship, God's Creatures, Grief, Holiday Thoughts, Honesty, Hospice Poems, etc." ******************************************************
Jocularity.com (Former home to the Journal of Nursing Jocularity (JNJ)):"Nursing & Medical Humor. Find hundreds of jokes and links to sites that will make you smile. Therapeutic Humor Associations, Battle of the Sexes, Bedside Nursing Humor, Brain Teasers, Clowning, Clowns, Therapeutic Humor & Comedy Links, Dental Humor, Emergency Department Humor, General Nursing Humor, Geriatrics, Senior Citizen, etc." ******************************************************
Legalnursingconsultant.com:"This website is intended to be a resource for Legal Nurse Consultants, Attorneys looking to use their services, and nurses looking to enter the field of Legal Nurse Consulting. On our site you'll find a directory of LNCs by state and specialty." ******************************************************
Nursefriendly.com:"Nursing-Approved Healthcare & Consumer Resources: In this Nursing Portal you'll find information on Nursing Jobs, Nursing Schools, Nurse Degrees, LPNs, RNs, APNs, Nursing Associations and much more." ******************************************************
Nursinga2z.com:"It is our intent for this Alphabetical, A to Z index to be a comprehensive listing (In Progress) of Nursing-related resources on the Internet. It is indexed by Google and fully searchable." ******************************************************
Nursingdiabetics.com:"Welcome to NursingDiabetics.com. Here you will find information on all aspects of Diabetes, a disease that afflicts millions of
people world wide. I'll be adding pages as fast as I can research the information so remember to bookmark this page and return." ******************************************************
Nursingdiscussions.com:"This website will be a portal to Nursing Discussion boards throughout the Web. If your site has a discussion board we don't have listed here, please contact us." ******************************************************
Nursingentrepreneurs.com:"Nationwide Nursing resource to nurse entrepreneurs looking to nework and start home based businesses. On it you will find links to small and large business related resources." ******************************************************
Nursinghumor.com:"Nursing & Medical Humor. Find hundreds of jokes and links to sites that will make you smile. Therapeutic Humor Associations, Battle of the Sexes, Bedside Nursing Humor, Brain Teasers, Clowning, Clowns, Therapeutic Humor & Comedy Links, Dental Humor, Emergency Department Humor, General Nursing Humor, Geriatrics, Senior Citizen, etc."
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