Donna Maheady, Ed.D., ARNP,"A resource network for nurses and nursing students with disabilities. We provide links to disability related organizations, mentors, employment opportunities, financial aid, continuing education, books, equipment, legal issues, research, related articles as well as support and career counseling.
13019 Coastal Circle
Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410
Phone number: (561) 627-9872
Susan B. Matt, RN, MN, Attorney at Law:"Nurse-Attorney providing general legal services to the public, including, but not limited to: disability accommodation consultation; marriage dissolution; adoption; and will drafting. Extensive experience with issues related to hearing loss."
Law Office of Susan B. Matt
P. O. Box 1120
Mercer Island
Tracy McClelland, RN, MSN, Ycarte Health Career Center, Georgia Nursing Entrepreneurs:"Opening doors to the Nursing Profession is our primary concern. We are a nursing tutorial facility designed to assist our community by training healthcare professions with the most updated nursing information and training equipment.
We focus on assisting individuals who want to advance in the healthcare profession, or begin with an entry level into healthcare.
Our goal is to bring education to you in a comfortable non-threatening environment that allows for learning. Whether you are new to healthcare or desire to advance in this profession, we can provide you with the training you need."
Tracy McClelland, RN, MSN, Ycarte Health Career Center
North Pointe Plaza
1214 North Peterson Ave. Suite P
Douglas, GA 31533
Phone: (912) 384-8680
Fax: (912) 384-4390
Karen Mercereau, RN, RN Patient Advocates, PLLC:"For over 7 years, we at RN Patient Advocates have worked independently with patients to assist them in finding the best healthcare and treatment outcomes possible. Do you have a medical crisis? Wonder what doctors might best help you? Have a mystery illness that no one can diagnose? Have several doctors who don’t speak to each other? Wonder what all of your medications actually do for you?
Experienced clinical RNs are a treasure trove of information and, working as independent RN Patient Advocates, can stand by your side through your illness: asking the healthcare questions you don’t know how to ask, teaching you what is really going on in your body, researching and teaching you the full range of treatment options, guiding you through the maze of the healthcare system so it can best serve you."
Karen Mercereau, RN
RN Patient Advocates, PLLC
3400 West Goret Road
P.O. Box 87968
Tucson, AZ 85754-7968
(520) 743-7008
Mary Michaud, RN, MSN, FNP, Herbalist & Herbal Clinical Instructor,"Mary Michaud, an herbalist & nurse practitioner, will teach a series of classes to give you the skills to use Ayurveda in your everyday life. Discussion of theory will be reinforced with yoga breath & postures, hands-on demonstration, and mind-body exercises. A free monthly meeting will continue after completion of the class to support your use of Ayurveda.
This small group class will meet on Wednesdays from March 2nd to May 4th from 9 am to noon."
Mary Michaud, RN, FNP, Herbalist
Herbal Clinical Instructor
313 Second Street SE, Suite 211
Charlottesville, VA 22902
Marybeth Mills, RN, Time for Nurses:"Time for Nurses is here to help spark a public conversation about improving the work-life balance of nurses nationwide. The site is run by OnCall Scheduling Solutions of Westborough, Mass., and we encourage contributions by nurses and medical professionals about how to improve scheduling and make life better for nurses everywhere.
OnCall Scheduling provides an advanced, affordable, easy-to-use Web 2.0 service to help nurses manage their work lives better and to help hospitals reduce the unnecessary costs of hiring last-minute temp workers. See the For nurses or For administrators pages for descriptions of how OnCall benefits nurses and hospitals while reducing costs.
Twitter: Time for Nurses @timefornurses, Marybeth Mills, RN, Boston & San Francisco:"We help nurses find work-life balance & hospitals get Web 2.0 & save $. Tweeting: Marybeth Mills (20 years as nurse), JD & Stephen for OnCall. We follow back."!/timefornurses
Melanie M. Morris, RN, BSN, MBA, CCRN, CLNC, TNCC Professional Medical Legal Services, LLC:"We assist attorneys, plaintiff and defense, with:
1. Potential client interviews
2. Obtaining complete medical records and creating a logical, orderly flow of the records necessary/relevant to the issues at hand
3. Writing working summaries, timelines and reports
4. Researching necessary topics, summarizing that research and applying it to the case
5. Assisting with Interrogatories, Requests for Production
6. Discussing deposition questions, preparation of attorney and person being deposed, and evaluation of all depositions in the case.
7. Expert witness location, preparation and liaison
and other individualized services as needed. We also work with insurance companies, law enforcement officials and industry providing services as needed.
Street Address: PO Box 5371
City: Fairlawn
State: Ohio
Zip Code: 44334
Phone number: 330.245.1100
Fax number: 330.245.1100
Melane Mullings, RN, pRN Staffing Solutions™ Inc.:"pRN Staffing Solutions™ Inc. is a recruitment firm that provides Canadian health care facilities with exceptional RNs, for long-term placements, to address the nursing shortage in Canada. Specializing in providing excellence in staffing services, pRN Staffing Solutions sources its RN talent from countries recognized for their nursing educational standards, and repatriates Canadian RNs - bringing home their expertise to health facilities across the country. Our mandate is to improve the patient care experience by providing health facilities with highly trained RN staffing support to decrease the effects of the nursing shortage in Canada."
Melane Mullings, RN
pRN Staffing Solutions™ Inc.
Bankers Hall West Tower
Suite 1000
888 - 3rd Street SW
Calgary, AB, Canada
T2P 5C5
Phone 403.444.5770, 866.399.0695 (toll-free worldwide)
Erin E. Murray, RN, BSN, MHA, CLNC, Medical-Legal Resources, Inc.:"Medical-Legal Resources, Inc. was founded by Erin E. Murray, RN, BSN, MHA, CLNC. Ms. Murray, who is also the President of Medical-Legal Resources, Inc. has over 20 years of professional nursing experience. Ms. Murray is a Registered Nurse (RN) who received her Bachelor of Science Degree in Nursing (BSN) from Boston College. Additionally, she has a Master's Degree in Health Care Administration (MHA) from Simmons College in Boston, Massachusetts and a Certification in Legal Nurse Consulting (CLNC) from the Medical-Legal Consulting Institute."
A Legal Nurse Consulting Firm
5 Crestview Avenue
Medway, MA 02053
Telephone: 508-533-7705
This website is owned, operated by Andrew & Melanie Lopez (RNs). It is our intent for this Alphabetical, A to Z index to be a comprehensive listing (In Progress) of Nursing-related resources on the Internet. It is indexed by Google and fully searchable. We'd ask that if you don't find what you are looking for, kindly contact us! If you are looking for a certain topic, it's likely you are not the only one. We will be adding to this index daily, be sure check back frequently.
If your website is not listed here, we encourage you to submit it: Add Your Website/URL, please note, you do not have to install the linking code, to be listed." Touching Poems, and Inspiring stories that touch the heart and occasionally bring a tear to your eye. Affection, Ambition, Angels In Our Lives, Animals, Babies, Bereavement, Caring, Caring, Children, Christian Stories, Christmas, Computers & The Internet, Death, Dependability, Determination, Dying, Easter, Emergency Medical Services (EMS), End of Life, Etc., Friendship, God's Creatures, Grief, Holiday Thoughts, Honesty, Hospice Poems, etc." (Former home to the Journal of Nursing Jocularity (JNJ)):"Nursing & Medical Humor. Find hundreds of jokes and links to sites that will make you smile. Therapeutic Humor Associations, Battle of the Sexes, Bedside Nursing Humor, Brain Teasers, Clowning, Clowns, Therapeutic Humor & Comedy Links, Dental Humor, Emergency Department Humor, General Nursing Humor, Geriatrics, Senior Citizen, etc.""This website is intended to be a resource for Legal Nurse Consultants, Attorneys looking to use their services, and nurses looking to enter the field of Legal Nurse Consulting. On our site you'll find a directory of LNCs by state and specialty.""Nursing-Approved Healthcare & Consumer Resources: In this Nursing Portal you'll find information on Nursing Jobs, Nursing Schools, Nurse Degrees, LPNs, RNs, APNs, Nursing Associations and much more.""Welcome to Here you will find information on all aspects of Diabetes, a disease that afflicts millions of
people world wide. I'll be adding pages as fast as I can research the information so remember to bookmark this page and return.""Nationwide Nursing resource to nurse entrepreneurs looking to nework and start home based businesses. On it you will find links to small and large business related resources.""Nursing & Medical Humor. Find hundreds of jokes and links to sites that will make you smile. Therapeutic Humor Associations, Battle of the Sexes, Bedside Nursing Humor, Brain Teasers, Clowning, Clowns, Therapeutic Humor & Comedy Links, Dental Humor, Emergency Department Humor, General Nursing Humor, Geriatrics, Senior Citizen, etc."
This Page is Part of The Nursefriendly National Nursing A To Z & Consumer Health Directories
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Nursefriendly, Inc.
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Our Phone #: 856-415-9617
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